Horrors in Mumbai


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Got a skeleton in your closet?Never let it be said that we here at Dread Central don’t look out for our horror-loving brethren across the globe. IBNLive.com, the online Indian news arm of CNN, is reporting today that residents of the city of Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay for those of us who aren’t up on current events) will soon be treated to a 20-minute thrill ride of blood and gore when the newest version of Madame Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors opens in their city.

There’s a 30-second video of the fun on IBN, and here’s a brief description of what awaits: “As one enters, the pitch darkness, the hanging ropes, the uneven pathway and the scary sounds make up the eerie atmosphere. The skeletons springing up, little hands popping up to catch you and fearful characters spread all around can make even the most gutsy a bit nervous.” This won’t be just your grandma’s Chamber of Horrors either. Along with the usual ghosts, witches, and Bollywood celebrities like Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan, visitors will also encounter such real-life horrors as Saddam Hussein popping out to greet them. Hey, if they throw in Bush and Cheney, you’ve got a perfect horror trifecta!

We never know where life may take us, and with the addition of the Mumbai Chamber of Horrors to India’s sightseeing alternatives, for those of us who love this genre, a trip to South Asia won’t just mean the Taj Mahal anymore!

Debi Moore

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