Two Preview Clips for Supernatural Episode 3 – The Third Man

Last week’s “Supernatural” episode got things a bit more back on track for the Winchester brothers, and that, plus the promise of Castiel’s return, have made us look forward to the upcoming third Season Six ep, entitled “The Third Man”, even more.
Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) call Castiel (Misha Collins) for help when they investigate a case about several dead police officers who seem to have been killed by the plagues of Egypt. Castiel confirms the staff of Moses was used to kill the cops and tells Sam and Dean that Heaven is in a state of chaos and God’s weapons have been stolen. The three head off to find the thief and come face-to-face with an old enemy. Bob Singer directed the episode written by Ben Edlund.
Check it out this Friday, October 8th, and for more visit “Supernatural” on The CW.
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