Darren Aronofsky Being Courted for Preacher

There’s been talk about a big screen adaptation of Garth Ennis’ Preacher graphic novel for what feels like forever now. Various directors have spoken about it, production start date predictions have come and gone, yet still … we have nothing.
This latest news, however, does have us a bit on the excited side. According to Newsarama acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky is being targeted to direct Columbia Pictures’ big screen production of Preacher, based on the comic book series published by Vertigo, DC Comics’ Mature Readers imprint.
For those of you not familiar with the tale (and shame on you if you’re not) Preacher follows a distressed man of the cloth named Jesse Custer who goes on a trip to literally find God after he was possessed and killed his entire congregation and destroyed his church. Custer is joined on his road trip by old flame Tulip and a hard-drinking Irish vampire named Cassidy.
Look for more … as always … soon.
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