Make a Date with Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 3D

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the sequel to the rather tepid Ghost Rider flick starring Nic Cage, but today we’re getting some solid details, such as an official title and even a targeted release date.
Columbia Pictures announced today that Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 3D will be roaring into theatres on February 17, 2012. Nicolas Cage, of course, is back as Johnny Blaze and you can bet he’ll be toting around his CGI abs with him.
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (the Crank and Gamer guys) are handling scripting duties and the film should begin filming in Romania soon with the real Castle Dracula somehow figuring into the plot. We shit you not! The prospect of Cage tangoing with the OG fanged one is enough to grab our attention, that’s for sure.
Look for more as soon as it comes.
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