Trailer for Controversial Horror Short Pixel

Writer-director Jeff Angel dropped us a line looking to put the word out there that a two-minute trailer for his 45-minute short film Pixel is now online. According to Angel, multiple film festivals have rejected the short due to its controversial subject matter.
Office worker Nathan Gant has a dark secret, he likes to watch people being murdered online. A strange film studio located somewhere deep in the heart of eastern Europe by the name of Widdershins Productions is making snuff films, and Nathan just loves to watch their twisted movies — that is, until one day when a small child starts to follow Nathan around. What does she want? Why does she beckon with her hand for him to follow her? Find out this Halloween.
What does that last sentence mean? Angel is planning to make Pixel available for viewing online for free this Halloween if film festivals continue to reject it. Kind of hard to imagine in a world where A Serbian Film and a remake of I Spit on Your Grave are making the festival rounds that something could actually get outright rejected.
Here’s the trailer for Pixel. Guess we’ll have to wait and see this Halloween what makes it so beyond the pale.
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