Steven Soderbergh Spreading His Contagion to Hong Kong

Steven Soderbergh is bringing his new viral thriller Contagion to film in Hong Kong, a city who’s no stranger to epidemics thanks to 2003’s deadly SARS outbreak. Our advice? Steven, get out before you catch something!
The Hollywood Reporter broke the story along with some interesting casting news. Josie Ho (pictured right; Dream Home) has been hired to join the Hollywood ensemble cast in her native Hong Kong at the end of September.
In Soderbergh’s first visit to Greater China as a director, Ho, a daughter of Macau’s wealthiest gaming tycoon, is set to play the sister of “Patient Zero,” a casino worker who spreads a deadly virus to passengers on an airplane leaving for the United States. She stars alongside Matt Damon, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Laurence Fishburne. Warner Brothers plans an October 21, 2011 release.
Look for more soon!
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