It’s Never Too Early for Halloween – Two Books You NEED for the Holiday!

I think I can say without too much reserve that Halloween is the horror fan’s Christmas. So, when I start seeing Halloween items in stores in August, I take note because you just never know what goodies you might find, and of course I want to share my recent discoveries with Dread Central readers.
While haunting my local Barnes & Noble recently, I came across two goodies that I thought needed to be shared as they may not be around the closer we get to The Big Day: The Best of Martha Stewart: Halloween Handbook and a wonderfully clever cookbook, A Zombie Ate My Cupcake: 25 Deliciously Weird Cupcake Recipes by “Lily Vanilli” and starring Paul Parker.
Most of you have probably seen Martha’s annual Halloween edition, but this year the format is more that of an oversized paperback book. Coming in at 116 colorful pages and selling for $9.95, the magazine/book is full of decorating ideas, costumes, recipes, etc., and more than a few of them are amazing. For the more hardcore Halloween fans, Martha also has some extraordinary indoor and outdoor décor that can be purchased through Grandin Road (their stuff is great – I ordered a lot of their decorations last year and plan to add to that this year).
For the cooks among you, A Zombie Ate My Cupcake is a wonderful addition to your cookbook collection. With recipes ranging from Blood-Stained Brains to the almost TOO realistic Bleeding Hearts, the author, a cake designer, has come up with some jaw-droppingly icky and fun cupcakes to make for your Halloween party. Some other recipes range from Sweeney Todd’s Surprise to Zombie Hands to the beautiful Black Roses.
The only “fault” I could find with this cookbook (and it may just be because I’m not a full-time baker) is that some of the ingredients are completely unfamiliar to me (“luster dust”?). But that may just be my problem. Even though the author IS British, she has the recipes for both American and UK cooks.
I found the Martha Stewart Halloween special in with the magazines and the cookbook in with, well, the cookbooks, but the Barnes & Noble I bought the items from only had two copies of the cookbook so either hurry to your local bookstore or order it below from the EvilShop.
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