Get a Third Helping of Lake Placid This Saturday on Syfy

Did you know there’s a Lake Placid 3? Did you know there’s a Lake Placid 3 starring Colin Ferguson of “Eureka”, Yancy Butler of “Witchblade”, and the venerable Michael Ironside? Did you know there’s a Lake Placid 3 starring Colin Ferguson of “Eureka”, Yancy Butler of “Witchblade”, and the venerable Michael Ironside premiering this Saturday night on Syfy? Do you care?
Syfy hopes you do care or else the ratings are going to be in the toilet. Then again, how much does Syfy really care given they originally bumped Lake Placid 3 from its June world premiere timeslot in favor of Dinocroc vs. Supergator?
Lake Placid 3 stars Colin Ferguson (“Eureka”) as a game warden who moves his family to Lake Placid, once the site of deadly crocodile attacks. Locals assure him the crocs are gone, but his mischievous young son finds a few baby crocs and begins feeding them. They quickly grow into very big adults and start attacking the game warden’s family and nearby town. Lake Placid 3 also stars Yancy Butler (Kick-Ass) and Michael Ironside (Terminator Salvation).
Forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm, but I have a sneaking feeling Lake Placid 3 is going to be particularly awful. Part three was made by the same production company behind the ultra lame Lake Placid 2 (review here), IMDB doesn’t even list the director’s name (not a good sign), Syfy never put out any video clips from the movie in advance as they have been doing more and more of late, and of the eight production stills Syfy has put out there, none shows any crocodiles or carnage or action of any kind; two are just photographs of Colin Ferguson talking on a cellphone.
Lake Placid 3 debuts on Syfy this Saturday night at 9/8 Central. How many of you out there are are now saying to yourself, “I wasn’t going to tune in for the premiere of Lake Placid 3, but now that I know I’ll get to see Colin Ferguson playing phone tag – hot damn!”

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