Pan’s Star is a New Daughter

The brilliant young actress Ivana Baquero (interview) of Pan’s Labyrinth fame is finally getting some new role choices, though likely this is a film that will be just as challenging as Pan’s was for her. For some reason I don’t see her growing up to become the lead in a romantic comedy…
The Hollywood Reporter got word that Baquero has signed for a starring role in The New Daughter, a horror story penned by John Connolly with scripting duties handled by John Travis. The tale is of a father who moves with his two children to a remote farm where a strange mound in a nearby field may be the reason his daughter (Baquero) is acting stranger and stranger since the move.
The New Daughter is being produced by Gold Circle Films and is currently looking for a director. Hopefull they’ll get someone whose directorial skills match the already formidable acting skills of young Baquero. More as we learn it!
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