Manson to Extort Depp?

As I’m sure you know by now, Marilyn Manson is making a movie called Phantasmagoria. Personally I couldn’t be happier, especially considering the subject matter; Alice in Wonderland scribe Lewis Carroll. Manson has already cast model Lily Cole in the Alice role and himself as Carroll, but there’s one more casting coup he hopes to accomplish before filming starts in France in two weeks:
“Maybe I’ll convince Johnny [Depp] to be in it — I’ll extort him to be in it,” Manson told MTV, which is as good a plan as any, though with someone like Depp you’d think he’d have a pretty full dance card at this point. What are the chances that he’ll just have a few weeks free to help Manson realize his dream? I guess only time will answer that question.
Manson did discuss what we can expect from the final film, and it’s not far from what I had hoped for when the project was first announced. “I’m a big fan of [Roman] Polanski and of Ingmar Bergman, and I wouldn’t say it will be like a modern horror film … It wouldn’t be like what people are used to seeing today. But I think by being traditional, sometimes like a Hitchcock, it’s almost modern, because people are so used to seeing special effects.”
Hey, if Manson can pull it off and make it interesting, I’m all for it. He’s definitely got a twisted enough vision to make this one worth keeping an eye on. Check out more pre-production art from the film right here when you have a few minutes.
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