#SDCC16: Lyft Drives the Ecto-1 to San Diego


To celebrate the all-new Ghostbusters (review) flick that premiered last weekend, Lyft and Sony partnered up to deliver Ghost Mode – free rides in the Ecto-1 for passengers – in five cities nationwide over 4th of July weekend.

Lyft heard from San Diegans loud and clear that they wanted a chance to experience Ghost Mode, so they’re bringing the Ecto-1 back to life, and just in time for Comic-Con.

Here’s what you need to know about Ghost Mode:

* When: Thursday, 7/21, through Sunday, 7/24, from 11am to 7pm local time

* Where: San Diego

* What: Passengers can toggle into Ghost Mode on Lyft and request a free ride in an Ecto-1 car.

Ghost Mode will feature the original Ecto-1 as well as custom replicas. All rides are free, but we can’t guarantee they won’t be spooky! The Ghost Mode Ecto-1 will be at the Seaport Village parking lot tomorrow (Preview Night, 7/20) for a sneak preview (849 West Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101).

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