Some Inspired Fright Night Casting: McLovin and Dr. Who Join the Fray

You know, the more we hear about the upcoming Fright Night remake, the less we’re starting to mind it. If only because it’s not seeming to try to out-vamp the Tom Holland classic. Giving it a Vegas setting and introducing some really out there casting choices have done a lot to further along our hopes that it’ll all turn out okay, but today’s casting news has officially piqued our interest.
According to The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision Blog David Tennant, best known for starring in the BBC series “Doctor Who,” and Christopher Mintz-Plasse (KickAss, Super Bad) have joined the cast of Craig Gillespie’s Fright Night remake for DreamWorks.
Tennant will play Peter Vincent, a character who in the original movie was played by Roddy McDowall as the host of a late-night horror show. In the remake he’s a Las Vegas magician whose show revolves around horror-movie imagery. Vincent claims to be a vampire expert, but when the teen turns to him for assistance, he’s less than helpful.
Mintz-Plasse is playing Evil Ed, [Charlie Brewster’s] best friend who feels slighted that Charlie has left his nerdy past behind and thus joins the vampire’s coven.
The new version sticks to the original concept of a teen named Charlie Brewster (Anton Yelchin) who is convinced that his new neighbor is a vampire, though no one will believe him.
Colin Farrell has the plum role of the vampire, named Jerry, who on the surface appears to be a cool guy but is really preying on the neighborhood. Toni Collette is Charlie’s mom, who at first disapproves of the new arrival but changes her attitude when she meets the magnetic man and — surprise — doesn’t believe her son when he tries to tell her Jerry is a vampire.
Look for more soon!

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