Be a Part of Fantasia!

Are you a filmmaker? Do you have a feature or a short that you want to be seen in front of one of the coolest audiences in the world? To put it bluntly: Do want to be a part of Fantasia 2007?
Well you’d better act pretty damn fast! The show’s creators just let us know that the deadline for film submissions … no wait, sorry … the hard deadline for submissions, is May 7th, 2007. After that, friends and filmmakers, you will be SOL until next year.
Every year they get tons of films submitted past the deadline that they would have loved to be able to show; don’t be one of those. Hit the official Fantasia site and navigate to … wait for it … “Submit A Film” (!) and find out what you can do to make sure your movie is a part of the three-week long madness!
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