Hanukkah Horrors on the Way!

For decades Christmas has been hoggin’ the spotlight when it comes to holiday themed horror movies. Filmmaker Eben McGarr (House of the Wolf Man, Sick Girl) is out to change all of that with his new flick Hanukkah. Hold on tight to your Torahs!
Obediah Lazarus is the son of Judah Lazarus, the original Hanukkiller. In 1983 Judah terrorized NY for seven nights and was preparing to sacrifice his eight-year-old son, Obediah, on the eighth night. Judah was convinced it was God’s will, like Abraham and Isaac, to sacrifice his only son to God. Luckily for Obediah, police tracked Judah down and stopped the sacrifice, but Judah was gunned down in the process. Warped by hatred with no guidance, Obediah Lazarus becomes a religious extremist, intolerant of non-Jews, “bad Jews”, and those he perceives to be enemies of the Jewish faith. He is about to unleash eight nights of horror.
A group of Jewish teens are getting ready to party for the holidays but are in for a Festival of Frights. With the help of a wise rabbi, they deduce that the murder victims have violated Judaic law and that their only chance at survival is to embrace their faith.
Check out some early and truly awesome artwork below, and for more on the flick dig on the official Hanukkah Facebook page.

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