Weekend of Horrors: Hatchet II – What Did You Miss?

Without question there were many incredible moments at this weekend’s Creation Weekend of Horrors, but there’s little doubt that Saturday belonged to Adam Green and the Hatchet Army. Ready for a brief recap of what you may have missed?
The panel moderated by yours truly read like an all-star list of genre talent! In tow Green brought along Rileah Vanderbilt (young Victor Crowley), Parry Shen (Hatchet), AJ Bowen (The Signal, The House of the Devil), Master of Horror Tom Holland, R.A. Mihailoff (Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III), Tony Todd (Candyman), Danielle Harris (Halloween), and the man himself, Kane Hodder, who plays Victor Crowley.
To say that the crowd was loud was an understatement, but wow, did the roof literally blow off the goddamn place when Green unveiled the very first clips from the film:
The first clip featured two hunters shooting at Victor Crowley when suddenly the veritable freight train of violence appears with a ten-foot redwood chainsaw. From there Crowley swings underneath both hunters, who were standing one in front of the other, catching the duo square in the nuts with the saw, lifting them both off of the ground, and sawing them all the way up through the tops of their heads until their body halves go flying to the ground. Two words, folks … holy shit.
The second clip featured a knock-down, drag-out brawl between Hatchet II‘s two behemoths, R.A. and Kane, who were having a wall-shaking fight that ends with a curb stomp performed on a table that left the literally roaring audience blinking in disbelief.
The effects were done practically with no CGI at all, and both were absolutely fucking crazy to see. Later Green would inform me that the two clips shown featured some of the tamer(!) kills in the film, which is sporting a hearty body count of seventeen.
Look for more soon as Dark Sky Films readies itself to unleash Hatchet II on audiences later this year. Looks like we’re in for a savage ride, kids! Strap in!

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