The X-Men Get All Fanged Up in Curse of the Mutants

Marvel comics have always mirrored events happening in the world to better relate to the individuals reading them. They also suck up and incorporate popular trends like zombie outbreaks. Now, as Marvel heads into a shiny new future, getting back to the business of heroes pummeling villains on the streets of New York City in the “Heroic Age”, it seems the X-Men are going down a very different path. A path that leads to teeth … and blood … and if there’s any sparkling, you may see me on the news with automatic weapons in my hands. Check the skinny!
As the X-Men recover from the stunning conclusion of Second Coming and prepare to enter the Heroic Age, they’ll first have to survive Curse of The Mutants! Beginning in July’s X-Men #1 from the fan favorite creative team of Victor Gischler and Paco Medina, the X-Men welcome new faces into the fold as a deadly new threat emerges to consume mutantkind … and then the world! With top secret specials and new series tie-ins to this red-hot storyline, Curse of The Mutants leaves the X-Men forever scarred!
It’s mutants versus vampires, and the stakes have never been bigger for X-Men than in Curse of The Mutants!
HA!! Stakes. Awful. Just … really horrible. I will be the first person to admit this rules, if it indeed does rule after I’ve borrowed a copy from some brave soul who can get past the ridiculous cover art … but for now, I need a drink.

– Nomad
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