Not One but Two New [REC]s Coming Our Way

With the original [REC] filmmakers Paco Plaza and Jaume Balagueró delivered a truly insane experience that was of course neutered and changed into a flick called Quarantine here in the States. [REC] 2 expanded on the first one’s demonic storyline (really, screw rabies) and delivered a movie that is akin to mixing Doom 3 with The Exorcist. Both flicks were badass, and now word has come that the duo are bringing us two more flicks in the franchise via Filmax called [REC] Genesis and [REC] Apocalypse!
From Screen Daily:
“[REC] directors Paco Plaza and Jaume Balaguero will split directing responsibilities for the two films. Plaza will direct the first film, Genesis, which much like the Batman and Star Trek franchises will return to the origin of the original infection that caused humans to turn into zombies.
Paco Plaza and Luis Alejandro Berdejo (The New Daughter) will co-write Genesis with Balaguero actively involved in the development of the project. The film is expected to be delivered in the autumn of 2011.
Apocalypse will be directed by Balaguero and will end the [REC] saga with the pandemic spreading to unknown proportions. Plaza will assist on the project, which is expected to be delivered in the autumn of 2012.
“We were overwhelmed by the audience’s reaction to [REC]. It was precisely this which inspired us to keep going with [REC]2. Again, the great support we have received from audiences and Filmax motivates us to investigate the [REC] idea even further,” say Plaza and Balagueró.
Cast, budgets, and shooting details are yet to be confirmed for either project.
“We are really excited about the prospect of two new and completely revolutionary [REC] films,” says Julio Fernández, president of Filmax.
The first two [REC] films proved hugely popular in Spain with the first taking $12m back in 2007 and the second $8m last year, and both sold widely abroad.
The two new [REC] films will be presented at the Cannes market by Filmax.”
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