Paramount Readying Ring 3D

“Before you die, you see The Ring” And now you’re going to see it flying off of the screen and directly into your lap. Yep, another 3D sequel is on its way, kids, and you have seven days to spread the word before you croak!
According to THR’s Heat Vision Blog, the third entry in the American franchise based on the Japanese horror juggernaut tentatively titled Ring 3D is moving forward with David Loucka, who wrote the now-shooting thriller Dream House for Morgan Creek, on tap to pen the script.
While the promise of a spectre leaping out of the TV or dragging us down the well in 3D is certainly promising, a couple of lines from the above article have us scared senseless —
“The new film is being fashioned as more teen-centric than the first, and though the logline is being kept under wraps, the aim is to reinvent the franchise. One potential scenario involves teens finding a VHS player that still works.”
Okay. Going to go find a happy place now. Look for more on this one soon!
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