Heather Langenkamp Explains Why You Should Never Sleep Again

One of the things we were most grateful for while working on Never Sleep Again was the opportunity to meet and work with just about everyone who’s ever graced an entry of the now famed franchise. Especially Heather Langenkamp, who served as narrator and executive producer.
Heather was an integral part of the machine for sure, and recently she sat down with Ain’t it Cool News to talk about her experiences as well as what to expect from the massive four-hour long documentary.
“Every five years it seems like they come out with something to add to their DVDs,” Heather tells AICN. “I’ve been a part of lots of those. Usually, they only have one or two actors, and perhaps Wes. Our approach on this was to find the people who don’t usually get to have an opportunity to talk about their roles in these films, people who were very important in the making of the movie, but, for whatever reason, were never [interviewed]. The eighty-five or ninety people that are interviewed for this comprehensive look back on A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET… of course you have Wes Craven, Robert Englund and Bob Shaye, who are really the original creators. But then you have people who had pretty small parts, and people who wrote [the screenplays], and people who were special effects coordinators and makeup artists; you have all kinds of people who contributed to the making of the film. I’m hoping there are people out there who know they’re not going to be an actor or director, but who might get a lot of inspiration from hearing about the more unchampioned heroes of the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series. I think there are a lot of people who are fascinated by how these movies are made.”
Hit up the above linkage for more.
The 2-disc, nearly 8-hour package will be streeting on May 4, 2010, but you’ll want to order yours from the official website because it’s the only way you’ll get your hands on the limited-edition, commemorative 12”x18” poster with original Matthew Joseph Peak artwork (see below). What’s more, every poster will be hand-signed by “Nancy Thompson” herself, Heather Langenkamp!

And, if that isn’t enough Elm Street for you, the folks behind the doc have one more treat for Freddy fiends —
Anyone who orders the DVD from the Never Sleep Again website will be automatically entered into a drawing to win one of three 27”x 40” teaser posters that have been hand-signed by dozens of cast and crew spanning all eight Elm Street films who were interviewed for the documentary, including Wes Craven and Robert Englund (see below)!

Details on the giveaways and full specs of the DVD are all on the site.
It’s a dream come true for Nightmare fans, so get all the Elm Street you’ve ever wanted and PRE-ORDER NOW!
And don’t forget to see the gang live during our appearance at the Creation Weekend of Horrors, May 21-23, 2010.
For more on this project check out the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy website, the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy Facebook page and the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy MySpace page.
To join in on the live fun as it happens, simply follow @ElmStreetLegacy on Twitter!
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