This Exclusive Clown Clip Is on the Nose

The highly regarded Eli Roth-produced Clown is finally coming out in the US on June 17th thanks to Dimension and Anchor Bay; and to make sure you’re keeping it on your radar, in conjunction with our friends at Crypt TV, we have an exclusive clip from the film to share.
Clown Release Details:
Dimension Films and Anchor Bay Entertainment present the theatrical and On Demand release of the Eli Roth-produced horror/thriller CLOWN (review). A unique, frightening, and disturbing take on evil clowns, Dimension Films will distribute CLOWN in theaters on June 17, 2016, and simultaneously On Demand.
Directed by Jon Watts, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Christopher Ford, the film stars Andy Powers, Peter Stormare, Laura Allen, and Elizabeth Whitmere.
CLOWN is a story of a loving father (Powers) who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son’s sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume – red nose and wig included– will not come off, and his own personality changes in a horrific fashion. To break the curse of the evil outfit, the father must make grim choices with his own family facing danger.