Get a Sneak Peek of Issue #14 of John Carpenter’s Asylum

John Carpenter’s Asylum, with story and characters created by Thomas Ian Griffith and Sandy King, is distributed by Diamond in North America and the UK and is now available on comiXology. On May 25th, Issue #14 brings the second arc of the series to a close, and we have a sneak peek of what is coming.
Asylum is published by Storm King Productions; and in Issue #14, written by King and Trent Olsen, you’ll find gorgeous artwork by Leo Manco. Check it out below, and to see another part of a page from the issue, visit John Carpenter’s Asylum on Facebook.
Series Synopsis:
There’s a war coming to the City of Angels. In the tunnels and dark alleys of the city, demons lurk… and Lucifer bides his time. One man knows and sees the truth. Father Daniel Beckett has seen demons and he’s spoken to the Devil, but he can’t say the same about God or his angels. Obsessed and driven as much by betrayal as righteousness and anger as redemption, he walks the smoke-filled homeless encampments of lost souls, like Dante’s nine rings of the Inferno. He is God’s warrior… at war with God. With this step into the comic book world, John Carpenter brings it all to the serial world he’s loved since childhood. Supernatural horror with that twist of fate that only flawed mankind can provide!
Issue #14 Synopsis:
Streets flow with rivers of fire, and skies are filled with demons. In this, the final issue in the second arc of John Carpenter’s Asylum, God is dead. The Anti-Christ is near; and Beckett, the fallen angel, is humanity’s last hope.