LIVE STREAMING – See if Ann the Haunted Doll Scares up Paranormal Activity

I’ve said it dozens of times: @e LOVE the paranormal here at Dread Central, and when we run across something like this, we cannot help but join in on the freaky!
The Lineup has teamed up with Destination America to live stream Ann, the Haunted Doll, on YouTube. Will she move? Will she stay still? Will you stay awake watching?
As per the website:
According to paranormal investigators, Ann was a 13-year-old girl treated for tuberculosis at Waverly Hills Sanatorium in the early 1900s, during a time when the idea of a “rest-cure” was in actuality a certain death sentence. One of Ann’s caretakers was a former aide named Lois, who worked at the institution from 1919 to 1935. She was responsible for the children’s welfare and, unsurprisingly, became very attached to her young patients.
Likewise, the patients relied on Lois… so much so that when they succumbed to their illnesses, their spirits followed the woman home, hoping she could continue caring for them. A friend recommended that Lois obtain vessels to house these unfortunate souls.
Thus, Lois’s doll collection was born.
Although Lois has since passed away, she left detailed journals about her dolls, including Ann. Lois claims Ann was terrified of the dark and that her spirit, who lives on this doll, cries out for help in the middle of the night with a shaky voice. Lois also reported to her daughter that the Ann doll once cried—a single tear ran down her cheek. Her right arm once moved up and down, as if she was waving.