Fallout 4 New Wasteland Workshop Trailer Encourages You to Raise Kittens and Enslave Monsters

When I played Fallout 4, towns felt more like an obligation than a refuge for my weary warrior. Some of my friends really went to town with it, building towering personalized residences and looming cock-sculptures, but it all kind of felt hollow to me. Managing resources, linking towns, assigning jobs, and overcoming the plethora of bugs just wasn’t worth it for the little happiness bar to tick up another percentage point. It’s something I expected to be ironed out and expanded by the extensive modding community. Luckily, Bethesda themselves have stepped up to the plate, hearing my silent grumbles and delivering an answer: Deathclaw gladiator fights. Glorious.
Dropping on April 12th, the “Wasteland Workshop” DLC introduces new cosmetic options, traps, pets, indoor farming plots, taxidermy, and most importantly gladiatorial enslavement all for the low cost of $5. It’s a nifty little package, and as a season pass holder is some nice sprinkles on the delicious cake that this bundle of content is turning out to be. On the heals of the surprisingly robust “Automatron,” my hopes for “Far Harbor” in May are high. I don’t think this will be enough to get me back to scavenging the wasteland for every bit of adhesive I can find, but will certainly be a great box of toys for when the rest of the DLC inevitably sucks me back in.