Happy SlAyPRIL Fools Day from Mycho

In the spirit of the season, UK production studio Mycho has released the short film SlAyPRIL Fools Day online for free for a limited period. You can watch it right here, right now – no foolin’!
SlAyPRIL Fools Day is a mock trailer for a fake horror franchise, filled with cheesy puns, one-liners, and some in-jokes for fans of cult films that have had many a sequel over the years. It is a tongue-in-cheek love letter to our favorite franchises, with films taking place “In the Hood” and, of course, with the obligatory “In Space” sequel.
It was produced by Anna McCarthy and MJ Dixon, directed by Dixon, and will be featured in the grindhouse anthology Grindsploitation along with many other short films from indie directors around the world. It stars Georgie Smibert, Paris Rivers, William Marshall, Lewis Cooper, Anna McCarthy, Moray Binfield, Bam Goodall, Jason Impey, Michael Lovett, and Richard Fysh as “The Prankster,” the world’s first time-traveling slasher villain.
Check out the film below, and tell your friends! It’s available today, the 1st of April, ONLY!