Latest on TNT’s Tales from the Crypt Will Make You Smile

At the start of this year, TNT and M. Night Shyamalan announced that they’d be bringing “Tales from the Crypt” back to television, though details were so minimal and unclear that it was hard to tell what form the project was even taking. We still know very little, but this week brings an (exciting) update.
Over the weekend, Shyamalan was on hand at Wondercon, and Slash Film‘s coverage of the event brings us a few quotes that offer more insight into the project. For starters, he confirmed that the Crypt Keeper will be in the show, though as we recently learned, the character is undergoing a total redesign – HBO owns the rights to the Crypt Keeper we know and love.
But what about the format? Though early reports indicated that the new “Tales from the Crypt” would tell one story across an entire season, making it similar to the “American Horror Story” approach to the anthology format, Shyamalan now seems more interested in sticking to the classic formula of telling one individual story per episode.
“You know, I can’t say 100% but I’m thinking right now, where I am, if you’d asked me this six months ago I would have a different answer, but where I am right now it’s more individual Black Mirror kind of stuff right now,” Shyamalan said.
More as we learn it.