First Look at Cabin Fever Remake

The good folks over at IFC Midnight have just released the first official still from Travis Zariwny’s reboot of Eli Roth’s 2002 film Cabin Fever and we have it for right here.
Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Samuel Davis, Nadine Crocker, and Dustin Ingram star. The pillar of truth and virtue known as IMDB has the film slated for limited theatrical, VOD and Digital HD release on February 12, 2016. This is unconfirmed.
Zariwny directed from a script by Roth and Randy Pearlstein, based on a story by Roth. The film was produced by Evan Astrowsky, Christopher Lemole, and Tim Zajaros and executive produced by Roth, Cassian Elwes, Jerry Fruchtman, Peter Fruchtman, and Ike and Jaclyn Suri.
Cabin Fever follows a group of five college graduates who rent a cabin in the woods where all hell breaks loose as the group falls victim to a flesh-eating virus that attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.