Brutal Trailer for New Berserk Anime

As a lifelong fan of both horror and Japanese animation, the news that a new Berserk anime adaptation is on the way certainly has me hooked.
The insanely violent manga series by Kentaro Miura followed two mercenaries called Guts and Griffith as they battled demons and monsters in a medieval fantasy world and has often drawn comparisons to the Dark Souls and Bloodborne games.
It quickly became infamous for its non-stop use of gore and brutal violence and eventually sold over 35 million copies. It’s been adapted into an anime series and several films before, with the teaser for the latest adaptation being shown at NBC Universal’s winter Comic Market 89 booth, but we don’t yet know whether it will be a film, OVA, or TV series. But at least it captures the nastiness of the manga.
They’ve also set up a website so check it out. If you can speak Japanese, that is.