New Swamp Thing Miniseries Coming Next Month from Co-Creator Len Wein

Swamp Thing is a character who is seriously underused by DC. And although Wes Craven’s film and the subsequent sequel and TV series propelled him to stardom outside of the medium of comic books, I still wish that they would give him a bigger role in the scheme of things.
So it’s great to learn that a new Swamp Thing series, written by co-creator Len Wein, is launching next month, drawn by Conan and Batman artist Kelley Jones. The first issue of the 6-part miniseries, which sees former scientist turned hulking monstrosity Alex Holland battling dark magic, will go on sale on the 6th of January for $2.99.
Swamp Thing returns in an all-new series written by his co-creator, legendary writer Len Wein! Swamp Thing has received an ominous warning, and now he finds himself under attack from the forces of dark magic. These are more than just your average monsters—and there’s something much worse looming on the horizon for Alec Holland!