Necrostorm’s The Mildew from Planet Xonader Coughs Up Some Icky Images

I love Necrostorm’s work. Scratch that — I’m in deep, passionate love with Necrostorm’s work. It all started with Adam Chaplin (ask me now many times I’ve watched — I dare you) and continued with the company’s other wonderfully weird endeavors (Taeter City is also wholly satisfying).
Not surprisingly, Necrostorm’s next project, The Mildew from Planet Xonader, is yet another motion picture I’ll happily import from across the pond. I want these cats to continue making movies for the rest of my life so they’ll get some of my cold, hard cash whenever they release something new.
Not much is known about the project right now, but Necrostorm promises more info and the ability to pre-order the flick on December 15. To keep us happy until tomorrow, we’ve got a handful of incredibly icky photos to share with the group. These pics are putrid and gross, which means that The Mildew from Planet Xonader is just as deranged as their previous efforts. Count me in. Remember to swing by Necrostorm’s website on December 15 to learn more about the flick.