War on Christmas! Walmart Changes Title of Holiday Horror Movie!

We live in a world that’s politically correct to an alarming degree. Everyone’s afraid to offend this one or piss off that one. And who could blame them when we have an entire generation of kids and adults with neckbeards and ironic tattoos who seemingly live to complain about every single thing that they possibly can? It’s as if complaining is the ONLY thing that will bring them true happiness.
As a means to “not offend” anyone, several Walmart stores across the country have changed the name of A Christmas Horror Story (review) to A Holiday Horror Story… apparently because they think that using the word “Christmas” in the title will somehow limit its appeal, even though the film is clearly defined by its title.
What’s next? Change the title of Prom Night to something that won’t offend the people who couldn’t make it to the dance?
It’s worth noting that only the slipcase of the film has the redubbed title, but that doesn’t make this any less silly. Thanks to Foywonder for the image below.