Wisconsin Town Terrorized By Extremely Creepy Clowns

There is an abundance of terrifying stuff happening in the world these days, so the last thing we need at this point is someone dressing up like a clown and terrorizing unsuspecting folks in the middle of the night. Given the paranoia gripping the world following the Paris attacks and the incident unfolding in San Bernardino, acting like a lunatic is a good way to get killed. No joke, folks.
In Waukesha, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee, someone dressed as a clown (complete with an orange jumpsuit) recently began prowling the streets. According to Uproxx, the culprit was a teenager who simply enjoys freaking people out. Even if he ditched the clown costume, staring at people in the middle of the night is just plain creepy. So thanks for the nightmares, guy. Seriously.
Not surprisingly, someone decided to follow in this teenager’s impossibly creepy footsteps. Residents have recently spotted another freaky clown in the area, although this Joker-inspired figure seems a bit more friendly than his (or her) predecessor. This individual waves at those he encounters, which, in my opinion, is a bit more frightening than just seeing someone lingering on the sidewalk.
I kind of feel sorry for filmmakers who have clown-oriented horror movies in the works. Nothing will come remotely close to this sort of real-life creepiness. Seriously — look at the tweet embedded below. The single shot is infinitely more terrifying than anything you can find on-screen. All apologies to those who are working on clown-related fright flicks. I’m sure you’re amazing people.
Waukesha residents are buzzing about a "clown" spotted around town at night in recent days. #WISN12 at 10. pic.twitter.com/dpGdb1IqS0
— Nick Bohr (@NickBohr) November 24, 2015
WISN delved deeper into this mystery, and you can check out their report below. Note: If you’re thinking about being a copycat, just don’t, okay? Freaking people out right now is probably not good for your health. That’s just a friendly safety warning from me to you. No strings attached.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6bXh25WHeY&w=640&h=360]