Exclusive Preview of Vertigo’s Survivors’ Club Issue #3

If you’re reading this site, you obviously have a love for horror films, and Vertigo has a new comic book series for you! Survivors’ Club, co-written by Lauren Beukes and Dale Halvorsen, is based on those who made it out of the horror films from the 80’s alive.
Intrigued? Check out our exclusive sneak peek of Survivors’ Club Issue #3, available December 2nd, below! Pre-orders are available from TFAW.
Halvorsen lays out the foundation of the comic as follows: “For many the ‘80s, along with the ‘70s, was a golden era for horror films. A lot of those films from then are deeply ingrained in pop culture. We all know the story of The Exorcist, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and so on. They have almost become our generation’s fairy tales. We draw a lot on that mythology in Survivors’ Club, but we take it in unexpected directions.”
Issue #3 Synopsis:
Six kids who lived through unbelievable terror in the ‘80s are somehow united in LA. Alice and Simon continue their lusty game of cat and mouse as Chenzira and Kiri resort to illegal measures to find more information about the cursed game Akheron. And Harvey’s psychotic imaginary Mr. Empty goes from the voice inside his head to fully realized horror right in front of his face.