Danny Trejo Joining Predators and a Script Review
During this past weekend’s HorrorFind in Hunt Valley, MD, the guys known as Punch Drunk Critics had a little chat with Danny Trejo, in which he spilled a few details on his roles in Machete and Sin City 2 and then revealed something none of us is surprised to hear: He’ll also be appearing in the upcoming Predators.
You can hear directly from Trejo himself in the following video, which also includes a few minutes with the lovely Kristina Klebe, always a plus in our eyes!
In addition, the folks over at Latino Review provided us with another one of their video script reviews, this time for Predators. Their verdict? You’ll have to watch for yourselves to find out! 20th Century Fox is releasing the sci-fi action-adventure, written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch and directed by Nimrod Antal, on July 7, 2010.
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