Crimsonland Bloodying Up the Xbox One
Looking at the screenshots from the sci-fi shooter Crimsonland, you almost have to wonder whether the title is actually referring to how the copious amounts of blood will turn the landscape red. I mean, could they have made the blood splatter more over-the-top? And this only got a T rating from the ESRB!?
Anyway, to the news at hand. Crimsonland was released in 2003, then remade last June, and is now making its way to Xbox One. So if you’re tired of Halo and want some indie alien-blasting on your Xbox One, then look no further.
Crimsonland will be released on Xbox One on October 14th. Check out the trailer and screenshots; I think it’s worth mentioning again that this was only given a T rating by the ESRB.
Thousands of aliens, giant spiders, mutant lizards, and more are on the attack – can you survive the onslaught? Crimsonland is a top-down shooter with a touch of RPG. Unlock over 30 weapons and over 50 perks from quirky to brutal. Complete the quest and show your skills in five survival modes.
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