House of the Wolf Man Pics and Info


One of our eagle-eyed readers sent us a heads-up about a new installment in the Wolf Man saga entitled House of the Wolf Man that is being filmed in and around the Los Angeles area with Sick Girl (review here) director Eben McGarr pulling double duty as the film’s writer and director and Lon Chaney, Jr.’s grandson, Ron Chaney, starring as the titular character.

Big Bad Wolf pointed us in the direction of Nuke the Fridge, where we learned the following: McGarr has shot the film to look exactly like a movie made in the 1940’s era. House of the Wolf Man was filmed in black and white and full frame. [Along with Chaney] the cast includes Dustin Fitzsimons, Jeremie Loncka, Sara Raftery, Cheryl Rodes, Jim Thalman, and John McGarr.

As you may recall, way back when Universal released two other “House of” movies: House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula. The folks behind this new flick intend for it to slip seamlessly in with the other two movies, and with no gore, language, or sex, it should be for all members of the family.

Check out a few photos below, click the bottom one for more, and swing by Bloody-Disgusting for a few other exclusives. And be sure to befriend House of the Wolf Man on MySpace and Facebook to keep updated on the project.

House of the Wolf Man

House of the Wolf Man

Debi Moore

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