Nun of That Stills and Screening

Regular Dread Central readers know how deathly afraid of nuns our Uncle Creepy is so I thought I’d shield him from his fears and do this write-up for him. If nun nudity, nun profanity, and most of all, nun violence are your things, then you’ll definitely want to keep reading!
Fangoria scored some of the first stills from co-writer/director Richard Griffin’s latest feature, the “gory, supernaturally tinged action/comedy” Nun of That, which tells the story of Sister Kelly Wrath (Sarah Nicklin), who is murdered by the mob and winds up being trained in heaven by the likes of Moses, Gandhi, and Jesus himself. She is then restored to Earth, where she proceeds to kick (and shoot) ass as part of a band of supernatural vigilante nuns called the Order of the Black Habit. If that doesn’t whet your appetite, how about Troma vet Lloyd Kaufman as the Pope?
Nun of That will play at midnight this Friday and Saturday, May 1st and 2nd, at Providence, RI’s historic Cabel Car Cinema (204 South Main Street). As Griffin says, “We think the movie’s mix of gore, sex, comedy, and hot nuns makes for the perfect witching hour movie!”
Click the picture below to see the rest of the photos, scroll down a bit for the trailer, and be sure to befriend Nun of That on its MySpace page.

– Debi Moore
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