Green on Hatchet 2, Dead West

This April horror fans will finally get to see what a lucky few have been talking about for almost a year now; Adam Green’s bayou slasher opus Hatchet. Anchor Bay will be putting Green’s debut horror movie in theaters across the U.S. and now it’s looking like we’ll be seeing even more of the film’s menacing madman, Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder), sooner than originally thought.
“With the latest flurry of praise for Hatchet coming in,” Green told Fangoria “talks about Hatchet 2 are getting more and more specific. All I know is that Victor Crowley is ready to come back for more.” That’s definitely some great news for those who saw Hatchet as a return to true slasher movies; lots of violence with a healthy dose of humor.
Fango also learned that All the Boys Love Mandy Lane screenwriter Jacob Foreman has been brought on board to pen the script for Dead West, the adaptation of the Rob G. graphic novel we told you about here. “We’re approaching this as a true Western … that just so happens to be splattered with extremely gory horror and violence.” Green continued. “I’m sure fans of the graphic novel will appreciate that we’re not looking to make yet another ‘zombie flick.’”
Green is currently at work on his follow-up to Spiral (the psychological thriller he did after Hatchet that’s making its debut in Santa Barbara on the 27th, details here), a comedy called God Only Knows, but it doesn’t sound like he’ll be staying away from our genre for very long! Keep it here for more on both Hatchet 2 and Dead West very soon!
Hope for the best with Hatchet in our forums!