Andy Gould Talks Upcoming Projects with Rob Zombie

While Nomad is battling wind and observing choppers and police cars (sounds exciting, no?) on the set of Rob Zombie’s “>Halloween 2, he found the time to get us some intel on projects coming up after the horror sequel that’s on everyone’s minds.
During a conversation with long-time Rob Zombie film producer Andy Gould, he learned the following: El Superbeasto is complete, and they’d like to do a limited theatrical run and then release the DVD in spring of next year(!). Looks like fans are going to have a long wait ahead of them for that one. Guess they want to really spread out Rob’s projects.
Gould also confirmed that now that they have regained control of the project, T-Rex is definitely the next film they will be doing together.
On the wishlist front there was a brief discussion about Rob’s possible involvement in the remake of the animated classic Heavy Metal. Things got very quiet, but Gould says for those involved — “Get on the phone. Rob’s ready when you are!”
More as it comes!
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