First Look at Mike Mendez’s The Last Heist

Mike Mendez (The Gravedancers, Big Ass Spider!) has many treats in the works, including the recently announced Don’t Kill It and a segment in this year’s Tales of Halloween. Today he’s announced his latest project, wherein he embarks on a bank robbery of awesome proportions. Read on!
The news comes courtesy of Mike Mendez’s Facebook page, where the director revealed that his next will film be The Last Heist. Though we don’t yet have a plot, he notes that Henry Rollins (Wrong Turn 2), Kristina Klebe (Rob Zombie’s Halloween), and Nicholas Principe (Laid to Rest) fill out the cast, and he also showed off the first still.
“I always give the advice to young filmmakers that you should always be making movies, at any cost,” writes Mendez. “So I’m taking my own advice and have started production on a super cool, very indie crime thriller. It’s 3 weeks of playing cops & robbers with my friends in downtown L.A. Expect a lot of people to be shot in the face.”
The Last Heist‘s cast also includes Torrance Coombs, Victoria Pratt, and Mark Kelly. Check out the still below, and expect more soon!