Monkey vs. Man!


Personally I’ve near heard of The Unholy Three until now, but it makes sense that it’s the kind of movie Rob Zombie would push for as part of his “TCM Underground” series on TCM. A weird cult film that features crafty editing to give the illusion that a chimp is actually a raging gorilla, the movie seems about as off-kilter as they come.

The Tod Browning film from 1925 airs on TCM this Saturday at 11pm PT/2am ET, and if you click here, you can watch the very end of the film. Don’t worry; it’s not full of huge spoilers, just a monkey making his way after a man and a midget.

When you’re done watching the end, come back here and check out how the film really should have ended, if such things were possible back in the day, through these five comic panels done by Robert Pope! Very cool, indeed.

Click to see the whole panel! Click to see the whole panel! Click to see the whole panel!

Click to see the whole panel! Click to see the whole panel!

Johnny Butane

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