These 5 Real Death-Defying Climbing Videos Are Guaranteed To Make Your Palms Sweat [Watch]

I wouldn’t say that I am terrified of heights. But I certainly have a healthy respect for lofty locales and I have no burning urge to go gallivanting around with the likes of the birds and planes. No, I am perfectly content to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. But the daredevils depicted in these outrageous videos have no such hang-ups. In fact, some of the brave souls in the clips showcased below are throwing caution to the wind and climbing without safety equipment. Though it goes without saying: Please do not attempt the death-defying feats depicted in these clips. But do enjoy the chance to live vicariously through others as we present you with five absolutely nerve-shredding climbing videos guaranteed to keep you grounded.
Free Climbing the World’s Tallest Radio Tower
This video was absolutely nauseating for me to watch. The view of the ground below looks like what you see from an airplane before the clouds obscure the earth. And the brave soul depicted within is making the climb without the aid of a harness or safety line. This clip gets harder to watch as the climber gets closer to the top. The final 60-feet of the ascent had me white-knuckling it. In fact, I had to pause the clip to catch my breath when the climber situates himself on the lighting beacon at the very top. I have endless respect for anyone that can spend their days servicing communication towers. I was merely watching from a computer screen and that was enough for me.
Climbing the Burj Khalifa
In this video, renowned photographer Joe McNally climbs to the top of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, and then clips on a safety harness to snap a series of photographs. Yikes! The view is nothing short of breathtaking but I had a hard time taking in the sights while the photog was precariously balanced with the concrete jungle of Dubai looming ominously beneath. I will say, however, that pictures he captures are phenomenal.
Free Climbing the Marriott Tower
I couldn’t make my palms stop sweating while I was watching this clip. I had to pause a couple of times to take a breather in order to make it to the end. This is a death-defying stunt and far crazier than anything I’ve ever seen on TV. These real-life daredevils are risking their lives by scaling a massive skyscraper without ropes, harnesses, or any safety equipment whatsoever. When the gentlemen in the video finally reached the top of the structure I sighed a deep sigh of relief and then flew into a full-fledged panic thinking about the harrowing journey down. Thankfully, that’s not documented here.
Climbing the Tallest Chimney in Europe
The footage featured here finds two daredevils scaling the tallest chimney in Europe. The final moments of the clip see the risktakers walking along the very narrow edge of the structure and risking plummeting to their death. I should probably forewarn you that it gets rather windy once they make it to the top, making this extra intense to watch. But wait, it gets worse. One of the thrill seekers pulls out an assortment of fresh fruit and begins juggling while walking the circumference of the chimney (with no safety line). It’s not solely the inherent risk associated with what’s transpiring that makes my palms sweat, it’s also the disorienting effect of watching the fruit go flying in the air that put me into a major tailspin.
Scaling a 787 Foot Crane in Paris
In this last vide, James Kingston free climbs a crane that extends nearly 800-feet. Adding to the feeling of danger, the YouTuber and parkour practitioner makes the climb guerilla-style, with no permission to be on the premises or film the action! Watching him stand on the edge of the crane with the view of the city is nerve-shredding. I had to pause the video multiple times to get through but it’s absolutely worth the watch for both the scenery and the adrenaline rush.