6 Horror Movies To Watch When You Just Need A Hug

Everything feels incredibly dire right now. Between what’s happening to trans youth in Texas and Florida and the invasion of Ukraine, there’s so little to feel hopeful about. In times like these, if you’re fortunate enough to be able to take a break from the news, horror is a soothing balm. It’s a mode of escape, of experiencing horrors in a controlled setting. It’s not for everyone, but for many horror diehards, gore and guts are like a warm mug of cocoa.
Here are a few films that may offer a few hours of joy and at the very least a break from the doom scrolling. I may be biased since these are my own personal comfort films, but they may help you, too. We also offer a list of resources for how you can help those in Texas and Ukraine at the bottom of this article.
Nothing, to me, screams (get it?) comfort like watching a person in a mask systematically decimate a group of teens. And while any slasher could fill that void, Wes Craven’s horror masterpiece Scream is my go-to. It’s a perfect mix of gore, horror, and comedy. Plus I can’t help but love Matthew Lillard as the devious Stu Macher.
30 Days Of Night
I’ll never stop evangelizing this film. I know it’s far from perfect, which makes me love it even more. If anything, it’s a glorious display of blood-on-snow horror with some of my favorite cinematic vampires. And Josh Hartnett is the heroic hunk. That alone is a comfort.
The Descent
Admittedly watching a group of women slither through tight cave tunnels may not be the most relaxing experience, especially for the claustrophobic. But the catharsis of The Descent is what makes it a comfort. And especially in a time where all we want to do is shriek into the void, this is the perfect horror movie to experience that fantasy. The whole film is a nerve-shredding experience that you can’t help but love.
The Thing
This is my most watched horror movie of all time. It’s the film I love to pop on in the background and find myself sucked in almost immediately no matter how many times I’ve seen it. This iconic piece of body horror is a nasty escape from the terrors of reality.
Evil Dead 2
A young Bruce Campbell with a chainsaw hand and some cackling demons under the direction of Sam Raimi is sure to bring a devilish grin to your face no matter how sad you feel. If you don’t want the comedy, then Fede Alvarez’s 2013 Evil Dead is the perfect substitute.
Dead Alive
Peter Jackson’s ridiculous gorefest is the goopy horror comedy we need in these dark and dismal times. From a priest declaring “I kick ass for the Lord” to a man wielding a lawnmower as his weapon, Dead Alive is just what the doctor ordered. The gore is so over-the-top and the characters are so ridiculous, which is the perfect combination for a serotonin boost.
Support trans youth in Texas by donating to the Transgender Education Network of Texas. Learn more about how you can support and help Ukraine here.
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