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April 24, 2021
erOne year ago today in horror histroy, director Jordan Barker's killclaustrophobic psychological thriller WITCHES IN THE WOODS was released
June 29, 2020
One thing’s for certain: No one will ever say “2020 was a typical year for horror movies”—in fact, this year…
May 15, 2020
One of my personal favorite horror movies of 2020 (so far) arrives on Blu-ray June 2nd via Shout! Studios. Set…
April 24, 2020
Witches in the Woods is now available to stream On Demand everywhere via Shout! Studios. Check out a new clip…
February 25, 2020
A tense tale of survival set in a fabled New England forest, Witches in the Woods is a suspenseful chiller about seven…