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Martha Is Dead releases in late February 2022, bringing its emotionally heavy psychological thrills to PCs and various consoles.

Martha Is Dead announced both a new trailer, which debuted today, and a limited-time demo for Steam Next Fest. It…

The Town of Light is more than just a must-play psychological horror indie game; it's an incredible exploration of trauma.

Martha is Dead gets a new trailer that shows just how creepy marionettes are, plus it's also now coming to…

Wired Productions just released a new trailer for their upcoming horror game, Martha Is Dead. Set in Tuscany, Italy during…

From Camel 101 and Wired Productions, Those Who Remain is a new psychological horror game that doesn’t rely on jump…

I’ll admit it: I’m an irredeemable cynic. I see a story about an adorable puppy saving a basket of kittens…