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Post Thumb: /apr13/hatchet-3-v1s.jpg Co-starring in BJ McDonnell’s first directorial effort as a Southern sheriff in way over his head, Zach…

Post Thumb: /apr13/hatchet-3-v1s.jpg Danielle Harris has been on the scene for quite some time, working steady in the film industry…

Post Thumb: /mar13/jennifer-blanc.jpg The granddaddy of all film fests and markets, Cannes 2013, kicks off on the 15th, running to…

Post Thumb: /apr12/afriends.jpg Talk about serendipity; the same day we post our review of Danielle Harris’ directorial debut, Among Friends,…

Cover art: news/apr12/afriend.jpg Starring Christopher Backus, Jennifer Blanc, AJ Bowen, Dana Daurey, Brianne Davis, Kane Hodder, Kamala Jones, Alyssa Lobit,…