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Uncategorized June 21, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg Looking for some quick zombie fun to carry you off into the weekend? Well then, check out…
Uncategorized June 18, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg Looking for some quick zombie fun to take away the work week blues? Well then consider this…
Uncategorized June 13, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg With the weekend approaching, it’s more important than ever to behave now. One screw-up and you’re bound…
Uncategorized May 31, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg With the weekend approaching, the last thing you want is to stay inside after class with a…
Uncategorized May 20, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg A new clip is here for the horror comedy Detention of the Dead, and if you know…
Uncategorized May 14, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg The horror comedy Detention of the Dead is on its way home, and we have a look…
Uncategorized May 6, 2013
Post Thumb: /may13/detention-of-the-dead-s.jpg In anticipation of the release of the horror comedy Detention of the Dead, we have a brand…
Uncategorized April 16, 2013
Post Thumb: /nov11/detents.jpg A release date has been announced for the upcoming horror comedy Detention of the Dead! Look for…
Uncategorized January 15, 2013
Source Name: Official Detention of the Dead Facebook Page Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov11/detents.jpg Some new artwork for Detention…