2307: Winter’s Dream (2017)

Starring Paul Sidhu,Arielle Holmes, Timothy Lee DePriest
Directed by Joey Curtis
Some films just go to show you that first impressions are in fact NOT to be subscribed to – in fact some movies need to be taken for a spin or two before they’re full appreciated, and in the case of Joey Curtis’s sci-fi chiller, 2307: Winter’s Dream, the opportunity presented itself, and ultimately delivered a product that surprised the hell out of me. Bundle up, ya lunatics – we’re venturing deep into the snow and ice to probe this one.
Set many years in the future (290 to be exact) – the film focuses on Mother Earth, for she’s now a virtual iceblock – uninhabitable due to the insanely hazardous conditions, and a band of scientists have just created a new breed of super-humanoids. These lab-tested freakshows can withstand even the most vicious of circumstances, and when one specifically charged-up automaton decides to break away from the pack and stage an uprising against mankind, it’s up to a group of bad-ass soldiers to fight back and quell this powerful insurrection. The collection of mercenaries consists of a wide array of styles and attitudes – all registering high on the tough-guy meter – hell, they’re going to have to be in order to stop this bunch of rogue cyborgs on the rampage. Now while I’ve heard comparisons to films like The Thing and Alien, this particular film uses its own style to an entertaining level.
The film has many upsides, and one of them is the act of not getting into too much of a narrative state before we’re tossed into the action – now don’t get this mistaken, as this particular piece of celluloid is not ripe with slam-bang activity, but instead moves at a decent enough tempo as to not overwhelm you with ridiculously frenetic pacing. The character portrayals are also strong in essence, and while some don’t get the full attention they deserve, you get enough of a sample to tide you over while they ready themselves to do battle. Even the effects are above-par, which I found to be pleasantly surprising considering what I’d thought would be screaming across my screen, but the real treat for your eyes here is the atmosphere itself. The entire environment of frozen wasteland serves as an exemplary factor in the movie’s storyline – I thought I was going to need to defrost my laptop after checking this one out. Fans of sci-fi adventure and futuristic thrill-bots, this one’s for you – give this a look when it skates your way.