Event Report: The Official Saw Haunted Attraction

Halloween is almost here! Sure, everyone loves junk food and horror movie marathons, but there’s one thing we at Dread Central crave more than anything: The wonderful world of haunted mazes! California residents have long flocked to events like Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights and Knott’s Scary Farm for their fright fix, but this year there’s a new entity in town: The Official Saw Haunted Attraction which launched this week in Orange County and runs through the entire month of October.
The good folks behind the event invited the Dread gang to the opening night festivities and we can easily say that fans will absolutely love this attraction. You know you’re in for a great maze when children run out crying and we stroll up just in time to see a terrified 3-year-old clutching his mother. The kid is clearly traumatized for life while the “Parent of the Year” seems shocked by lil’ Billy’s reaction to a Saw live show.
Needless to say, this isn’t the kind of family-friendly event that sports actors in white ghost sheets. The 10,000 square foot attraction delivers all the gore and mayhem found in the series. Starting with Saw IV, the maze takes attendees through all the major set-pieces in reverse-chronological order (ending up at the infamous bathroom from the first film). Most of the iconic sets and traps from the franchise have been lovingly recreated right down to the graphic details and along the way are plenty of twisty dark corridors, live mutilations and men in pig masks who jump out to jolt scared visitors. And what Saw maze would be complete without having you participate in a booby trap or two?
Admittedly, the world of Saw makes for a better live experience than a movie, and producer Jeff Schiefelbein and team have done a killer job capturing the sites and sounds of Jigsaw’s realm. This is one of the best haunted attractions you’ll find this year and the never-ending wave of sequels means that there will be no shortage of material for future mazes. If you can make it, check it out!
The Official Saw Haunted Attraction is currently running in Brea, CA. For more information, including tickets and showtimes, head on over to the official Live Saw website!
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