We Have a Chilling Feeling Indigo Prophecy May Return
Looks like we might be in for a treat soon from the people over at Quantic Dreams. On January 21st the domain achillingfeeling.com went up and was largely overlooked by any other than the most diehard gaming circles. Those who make it a habit of scouring the internet for hints of their most beloved franchise’s return quickly noticed that the site bears a striking resemblance to the cover of Indigo Prophecy.
A simple day countdown timer sits upon an icy background, where words like guilt, chilling, losing my mind, and murder are scratched in at odd angles. Check it out now; I’ll wait.
Now, here is the cover for Quantic Dream’s 2005 Indigo Prophecy:
Notice any similarities? A game about murder, ancient prophecies, and a constantly dropping temperature spelling doom for the world, the original European title for the game is Farenheit. The tagline for the original game? “Guilt is a chilling feeling.”
Now, this could all just be a new Survivor2299.com, in which case I might just eat my own eyeballs to spare myself such letdown again. However, a recent leaked Amazon listing for a remastered version of Indigo Prophecy gives some credence to the site’s validity.
Though the counter on the site is but a couple of days away from 0, the site’s description is plainly “24Days.” As someone who has trashed remakes in his recent review of Resident Evil (review), Indigo Prophecy was just barely cut from my list of 13 games that need remakes/reimaginings since Quantic Dreams has continued to put out good new and original products. I am generally against a company taking its time to re-release old staples when new products fail to meet expectations *cough* Beyond: Two Souls *cough*, but I am going to go ahead and let myself get excited about this one because I am a fickle fanboy whose strongly held opinions hold up only to the scrutiny I decide. Welcome to video game journalism!
So, what do you think? Are you excited for the possibility of a new Indigo Prophecy?
Have you been a fan of Quantic Dream’s “interactive narrative” style of games? Does my inability to hold a consistent stance rob me of all of my integrity, or just most of it? Discuss in the comments below!
Categorized:Horror Gaming News