New Until Dawn Trailer Brings the Scares

The Sony PlayStation 4 is quickly becoming the console of choice for horror fans with a blood-drenched lineup for 2015 that just cannot be ignored. Right now we have a new look at one of the system’s most compelling games, the slasher Until Dawn.
Until Dawn will feature thousands of storyline branches and hundreds of endings. The game accomplishes this through the use of what Supermassive calls “the butterfly effect.” When a choice must be made, such as whether or not to pick up a book, a small butterfly icon will appear, indicating this choice will have consequences later in the game. The path you choose will lead you to one of Until Dawn’s hundreds of endings.
The choices that shape the game’s path can be something as simple as which door you open to something as pressing as whether or not to put a bullet in your friend’s brain. Sony pointed out at its press conference that every character can die in the game, and if they die, they stay dead and the game moves on. Until Dawn will alter its story based on character deaths, having unique endings based on the number of characters still alive.
Until Dawn was first announced two years ago at Gamescom for the now defunct PlayStation Move. Supermassive has since re-tooled the game with top tier Hollywood writers and actors, including Scream 4 actress Hayden Panettiere.
No release date has been attached to Until Dawn, but it has already appeared in the PlayStation Store pre-order section. However, at the time of writing this article, the content is not selectable. Until Dawn will appear exclusively on the PS4.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News